Grants Awarded


Our goal and vision is to purchase 5 drones to learn the concepts of flight dynamics, mathematics, basic concepts of lift, engineering, angular momentum, thrust, drag and so much more.


As a previous technology, engineering, and computer science teacher from NH, it has always been my lifelong passion to teach our youth the numerous concepts of applied project-based learning that facilitates the highest of standards and in-depth learning.


In my classroom, we learn about the unique and ever-changing technology fields. We construct projects that cover the engineering concepts and apply mathematics to all of our projects. By applying the different STEM layers to our curriculum, the students get to learn about the many faceted areas of the world and future careers that they may wish to pursue. Some of the major benefits of drone science is learning about precision, mechanical flight, basic operations, and the practices of physical skills, such as small motor skills and hand-eye coordination.


The main concepts to my lessons is to have the students learn about aerodynamics and how drones require specific aerodynamics to fly. Also, the way the propellers spin changes the way a drone turns or moves across a 3-dimensional space. Another major concept is applying and increasing cognitive development and critical thinking in my students. It doesn’t matter whether you’re flying a drone indoors or out, reacting to changes in flight patterns or environment will allow my students to improve their cognitive reasoning skills. They will be able to gain a better understanding of cause and effect and improve quick reasoning. Finally, the students will learn to code and program drones to fly specific patterns and become familiar with the internal electronics that make the device work, which will get them started on the right path for any of the number of STEM careers out there.


–Natalie Breen, K-5 Technology/Engineering Teacher, Westminster Elementary School

Grant Year:

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