Grants Awarded

Grant Recipient: Greg Secino

  1. CNC Lathe

    Since its inception, the AWFAE has been a huge supporter Oakmont’s Technology Engineering department and its effort to advance the curriculum and technology as far as possible for the benefit of the students. Over the years we’ve applied for and received many different CNC (automated) machines. We’ve implemented those machines in many classes and projects…MORE

  2. CNC Router

    Since the inception of the AWFAE, Oakmont’s Technology Engineering department has been applying for grants in an effort to push its curriculum and technology as far as possible for the benefit of the students. Over the years we’ve applied for and received many different CNC (automated) machines. We’ve implemented those machines in many classes and…MORE

  3. Vex Robotics Extension

    Extension of the Vex Robotics grants.

  4. Vex Computer Upgrade

    A grant that paid for upgrades to the Vex Robotics computer modules.

  5. CAD Supplies

    This grant was a continuation of the foundation’s support of the Oakmont Technology and Engineering department’s CAD program.

  6. The Flight of the Phoenix

    The Summer Reading Project involves the entire school faculty and students in reading a book over the summer. This grant purchased hardware items that will make up an engineering kit for each homeroom. As part of the reading celebration day each homeroom was required to create a functional design and product from the kit materials…MORE

  7. Robotics Competition Equipment

    For the past four years Oakmont’s Technology Education Department has held its own regional robotics competition. In order to grow our competition and involve more students and schools, Oakmont teachers David Landry and Greg Secino have teamed up with Vex Robotics and will now host a regional Vex Robotics competition at Oakmont at the end…MORE

  8. Oakmont Robotics Engineering

    The project is to continue the expansion of robotics engineering at Oakmont. We are leaping from 4 robotics teams competing in previous challenges to 22 robotics teams this year and counting. The number of engineering courses for next year has doubled. Plain and simple, we do not have enough vex components to provision the amount…MORE

  9. Oakmont Robotics Engineering

    The project is to continue the expansion of robotics engineering at Oakmont. We are one week away from our sixth robotics competition, and our second VEX Challenge. Next week, 150 students representing 24 robot teams from over a dozen different schools will come to Oakmont to witness the results of their engineering endeavors in a…MORE