Grants Awarded

Grant Recipient: Tiffany Davis

  1. Chromebooks

    A group of scientists is hard at work, collecting and analyzing data on the local growing season. When do flowering plants bloom? When do trees bud out and lose their leaves? How does the timing of these events affect pollinators and people? To answer their questions, the scientists record traditional data—measuring plant height or counting…MORE

  2. Root Robots

    Students will use Root robots to co-create geometric wall drawings.

  3. Nature Trail WiFi

    This grant facilitated the creation of hypotheses experiments that connect to the Briggs nature trail. The Grove PI Boards and Sensors purchased with the funds allows for data gathering and observations to test theories and see how things like sunlight, water, wind etc. affect organisms on the Nature Trail.

  4. Interactive Bright Board System

    This group of teachers will use money from the Foundation to create a mobile, Interactive Bright Board System to support language arts instruction in grades 3-5 at John R. Briggs Elementary School. Many elementary students approach the task of revising their writing with disinterest. An interactive bright board system can help teachers make the revision…MORE

  5. NXT Temperature Sensors

    Through its partnerships with Harvard Forest and the Nashua River Watershed Association, J.R. Briggs Elementary School has a strong environmental science program in place. The NXT Temperature Sensors project would allow us to combine environmental education with the school’s growing robotics program, thus creating opportunities for students to grapple with real-world scientific questions and engage…MORE

  6. Seeing the Big Picture: Cameras for Exploring Patterns in Nature

    This grant is for the purchase of two cameras to enhance the science curriculum for students in grades two through five: a time-lapse camera and an infrared motion detection camera. The cameras allow students to make observations of natural events that occur over long periods of time and/or take place at a time and place…MORE

  7. First LEGO League Team

    FIRST Lego League combines the excitement of competition with hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math challenges that engage the mind. The program would serve as an after school enrichment activity for students in grades four through eight. Teams register and organize over the summer. Then, in early fall FLL releases the Challenge for the season.…MORE