Grants Awarded
Grant Recipient School: Meetinghouse School
Our goal and vision is to purchase 5 drones to learn the concepts of flight dynamics, mathematics, basic concepts of lift, engineering, angular momentum, thrust, drag and so much more. As a previous technology, engineering, and computer science teacher from NH, it has always been my lifelong passion to teach our youth the numerous…MORE
The Padcaster Studio turns an iPad into a powerful learning tool that teaches valuable skills while giving students the freedom to explore the world around them.
Root Robots
Students will use Root robots to co-create geometric wall drawings.
Invent to Learn iPad Cart
The WES/MHS special subject’s dream was to implement the use of technology for higher learning and creativity. To stimulate curiosity, measure student growth, and develop collaborative projects and partnership learning for students from Kindergarten through 5th grade. This grant provided 10 iPad Air 2 from a company called Mac to School to share amongst the…MORE
iPads for English Language Learning (ELL)
The Ash-West ELL program is small but integral in meeting the needs of students whose home language is not English. The ELL population represents the largest growing student population nation-wide, a trend that is seen in Ash-West. Currently there are 54 ELLs district-wide. This population is taught in small groups. Having an iPad is an…MORE
Seussical the Musical
The MHS Preschool class received a $500 grant to help defray the costs for tickets and transportation to the play, “Seussical”. This would be a culminating activity for students who have been learning about Dr. Seuss, a children’s’ author. In addition to enjoying a performance of familiar Dr. Seuss characters, students would have an opportunity…MORE
Character Classics
Character Classics is a comprehensive character education program that uses fun character songs set to classical music. The twelve core ethical virtues include: attentiveness, truthfulness, thankfulness, contentment, respect, kindness, patience, obedience, dependability, self-control, perseverance, and goodness. The kit also includes activities, coloring pages, and meaningful discussion topics. Many children are not equipped with fundamental social…MORE
Tumble Into Reading
Tumble Books are digital, animated, talking picture books. Tumble Books create electronic picture books using existing picture books and adding narration, sound, music and animation. These books come in a variety reading levels that children can read along with the computer, listen to as the computer reads, or read independently. A subscription to Tumble Books…MORE
Enhancing Number Sense in the Kindergarten Classroom
Inspired by a recent Math workshop by leading expert Mahesh Sharma on teaching numeracy, these teachers will purchase math manipulatives to help kindergarten students better understand number sense through both concrete and abstract applications. These manipulatives include Cuisenaire rods, Base Ten Blocks and Visual Cluster Cards, important tools used in Sharma’s teaching strategies.
Club Invention
A five day summer program focused around STEM curriculum content and 21st Century Skills such as creativity, innovation, problem solving, collaboration, and communication. Club Invention is associated with Invent Now, Inc. Their weeklong programs are designed to reflect the spirit of invention inherent to the National Inventors Hall of Fame.