Grants Awarded
Grant Recipient School: Overlook Middle School
The Pyramid of Cheops
The integration of teaching student CAD, history, construction and engineering combined into one program. Students utilized CAD software to design and engineer a replica of the Pyramid of Cheops. They then utilized specialized blocks to build the Pyramid. This program was featured on CBS’s Eye on Education.
Lego Atoms
This grant provided kits to help the students understand the components of atoms through Lego.
Laser Cutter
This grant purchased a laser cutter to initially be used to cut the foam structures for a glider. The Glider project involves design and engineering sections in the formation of a prototype glider which will be experimentally refined as the project completes. The laser also brings a hands on introduction to the laser and its…MORE
World Map
This grant purchased a large world map mural for the classroom wall. The map allows for a visual and tactile connection with various facts and activities that are covered in Social Studies classes.
George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt Interdisciplinary Project
Overlook Middle School sixth-grade teachers and Tony Gleason and Kristi DiSalle submitted a proposal to the Foundation for a project called George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt, an interdisciplinary project including language arts and science. Their goal in applying for this grant is to purchase a copy of Stephen Hawking’s children’s book George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt for…MORE
Reading and Writing Strategies through Literature Circles
The purpose of this proposal is to purchase thematically linked sets of books and audio that are appropriate for the ability of each individual student. These books will be used to differentiate within the classroom and engage students in high interest reading while still teaching common reading strategies and language skills throughout the year. Multiple…MORE
I-Touch to Enhance Positive Behaviors and Curriculum Access
This project fosters academic excellence by improving behavior modification systems, which would allow students with Autism Spectrum Disorders learn to the best of their ability in the least restrictive environment. Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders often have difficulty organizing their thoughts or materials, regulating their moods and behaviors as well as operating these things independently.…MORE
Early Man Interdisciplinary Unit
With the awarding of this grant, sixth graders will take part in an interdisciplinary study of human origins across the curriculum. As students investigate the Paleolithic and Neolithic era in Social Studies, they will read a fictional account of a twelve year old Cro-Magnon (early homosapien) boy named Tao in the novel, Boy of the…MORE
Digital Cameras in the Classroom
Photographs serve as visual aids to enhance student understanding. Using digital photography helps the student become more involved with the subject. This grant will allow for the purchase of two digital cameras to be used in the classroom for a wide variety of interactive and innovative purposes; for example students will better understand and visualize…MORE