Grants Awarded
Grant Recipient School: Westminster Elementary School
Words Their Way Word Study
The Fourth Grade teaching team at Westminster Elementary School has been awarded a grant to enhance spelling and strengthen literacy learning. Grade 4 is piloting a new spelling program known as Word Study, using the text Words Their Way. During Word Study, students are actively engaged in studying and using the rules of phonics and…MORE
Interactive White Board Collaboration
The use of interactive white boards expands the walls of the traditional classroom and introduces students to a new level of technology. Lessons in all academic areas will be enhanced through pod casts, online presentations, and interactive white board use which allow children to respond, and interact immediately with the information being presented. Studies have…MORE
Listening Centers
Our grade level would like to develop literacy stations during language arts centers through the use of MP3 players and audio books. Our team would like to purchase 5 MP3 players per classroom ($21.64 per player). In addition, we would like purchase audio books through downloads of leading books and series (ex. Percy Jackson and…MORE
Words to Live By
This grant funds the purchase of historical quotes to create thought-provoking and inspirational moments for all the students, faculty and parents at Westminster Elementary School, with the quotes permanently affixed to the walls of the school. These quotations will be displayed in all areas of the school—the hallways, library, lobbies, cafeteria, teacher’s room and gymnasium.…MORE
Tumble Into Reading
Tumble Books are digital, animated, talking picture books. Tumble Books create electronic picture books using existing picture books and adding narration, sound, music and animation. These books come in a variety reading levels that children can read along with the computer, listen to as the computer reads, or read independently. A subscription to Tumble Books…MORE
Club Invention
A five day summer program focused around STEM curriculum content and 21st Century Skills such as creativity, innovation, problem solving, collaboration, and communication. Club Invention is associated with Invent Now, Inc. Their weeklong programs are designed to reflect the spirit of invention inherent to the National Inventors Hall of Fame.