Grants Awarded
Grant Year: 2011-2012
Words to Live By
This grant funds the purchase of historical quotes to create thought-provoking and inspirational moments for all the students, faculty and parents at Westminster Elementary School, with the quotes permanently affixed to the walls of the school. These quotations will be displayed in all areas of the school—the hallways, library, lobbies, cafeteria, teacher’s room and gymnasium.…MORE
Education in Your Hand, Utilizing iPad Technology
Kids are motivated by technology, and taking advantage of motivation is a great way to assure educational success. This grant brings an increasingly familiar piece of technology, the touch screen iPad, into the newly created Language Program housed at the J.R. Briggs Elementary School. With the creation of this new program, designed to meet the…MORE
Character Classics
Character Classics is a comprehensive character education program that uses fun character songs set to classical music. The twelve core ethical virtues include: attentiveness, truthfulness, thankfulness, contentment, respect, kindness, patience, obedience, dependability, self-control, perseverance, and goodness. The kit also includes activities, coloring pages, and meaningful discussion topics. Many children are not equipped with fundamental social…MORE
I-Touch to Enhance Positive Behaviors and Curriculum Access
This project fosters academic excellence by improving behavior modification systems, which would allow students with Autism Spectrum Disorders learn to the best of their ability in the least restrictive environment. Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders often have difficulty organizing their thoughts or materials, regulating their moods and behaviors as well as operating these things independently.…MORE
NXT Temperature Sensors
Through its partnerships with Harvard Forest and the Nashua River Watershed Association, J.R. Briggs Elementary School has a strong environmental science program in place. The NXT Temperature Sensors project would allow us to combine environmental education with the school’s growing robotics program, thus creating opportunities for students to grapple with real-world scientific questions and engage…MORE
Oakmont’s Next Great Restaurant
The purpose of Oakmont’s Introduction to Business course is to introduce students to the principles and functions of business. The various functional areas of business will be discussed: economic systems, forms of business ownership, small business, management, human relations, marketing, accounting, finance, and stock market.By creating a real-life, authentic learning project, students will establish small…MORE
Oakmont Robotics Engineering
The project is to continue the expansion of robotics engineering at Oakmont. We are one week away from our sixth robotics competition, and our second VEX Challenge. Next week, 150 students representing 24 robot teams from over a dozen different schools will come to Oakmont to witness the results of their engineering endeavors in a…MORE
Tumble Into Reading
Tumble Books are digital, animated, talking picture books. Tumble Books create electronic picture books using existing picture books and adding narration, sound, music and animation. These books come in a variety reading levels that children can read along with the computer, listen to as the computer reads, or read independently. A subscription to Tumble Books…MORE