Grants Awarded
Grant Year: 2014-2015
Laser Cutter
This grant purchased a laser cutter to initially be used to cut the foam structures for a glider. The Glider project involves design and engineering sections in the formation of a prototype glider which will be experimentally refined as the project completes. The laser also brings a hands on introduction to the laser and its…MORE
World Map
This grant purchased a large world map mural for the classroom wall. The map allows for a visual and tactile connection with various facts and activities that are covered in Social Studies classes.
GoPro for Science Labs
A combined grant where two science teachers acquired enough Go Pro cameras to supply one camera per lab table. The six stations allowed for the entire lab to use the cameras during a lab exercise.
Stylus Tablets
This Grant provided state of the art drawing, caricature and cartooning ability that is not available by using a computer with a mouse. The stylus allows for far more individual creativity from line drawing to shading that is very time consuming and difficult with present computer equipment.
The Flight of the Phoenix
The Summer Reading Project involves the entire school faculty and students in reading a book over the summer. This grant purchased hardware items that will make up an engineering kit for each homeroom. As part of the reading celebration day each homeroom was required to create a functional design and product from the kit materials…MORE
Club Invention
A five day summer program focused around STEM curriculum content and 21st Century Skills such as creativity, innovation, problem solving, collaboration, and communication. Club Invention is associated with Invent Now, Inc. Their weeklong programs are designed to reflect the spirit of invention inherent to the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
Phenology Garden
Phenology is the study of the timing of annual lifecycle events in nature, such as migration, pollination, budburst, and leaf fall. I propose to prepare and plant a 20’ by 30’ garden of native wildflowers on a southern facing site next to the school for students to monitor phenological events. Scientists study phenology and relate…MORE
Robotics Engineering
The project is to continue the expansion of robotics engineering at Oakmont. Last year, 200 students representing 30 robot teams from over a dozen different schools came to Oakmont to witness the results of their engineering endeavors in a head to head competition. Last year we had 30 Oakmont students and 8 Oakmont robots in…MORE
Continuation of the Microscopic Schoolyard
Outside last fall, students were completely amazed at how the microscopes opened up that “tiny” world that goes unseen by so many people. The symbiotic relationship in a lichen, the hooks of seeds that Velcro was fashioned after (“biomimicry”), the tessellated design in the wings of an insect. The students and I are truly amazed…MORE
Foreign Language Immersion Day
The upper-level Spanish students of Oakmont will host the Narragansett Regional Spanish students during a day of total language immersion. From a light breakfast, while chatting in Spanish, throughout the day’s activities, only Spanish is spoken. A traditional Mexican lunch will be served after the morning’s Spanish communicative activities including: ‘speed-dating’, ‘Spanish Jeopardy’, ‘Twister’, Dancing…MORE