Grants Awarded
Grant Year: 2017-2018
United Way Youth Venture Partnership
The foundation partnered with United Way Youth Venture to launch 9 new Youth Venture teams at Oakmont and Overlook.
Gynzy Board
The foundation provided funding for an online bank of interactive whiteboard lessons, activities and teacher tools in all subject areas.
Peter Pan DVD
This grant provided funds to support multi-camera recording and duplication of a professionally produced DVD of the Peter Pan musical.
Neverland Set Design
This grant provided funds to bring in a professional set designer and subsidize material costs for the breathtaking pirate ship in Oakmont’s production of Peter Pan.
French Honor Society Continuation
A continuation of the French Honor Society grant.
Invent to Learn iPad Cart
The WES/MHS special subject’s dream was to implement the use of technology for higher learning and creativity. To stimulate curiosity, measure student growth, and develop collaborative projects and partnership learning for students from Kindergarten through 5th grade. This grant provided 10 iPad Air 2 from a company called Mac to School to share amongst the…MORE
Vex Computer Upgrade
A grant that paid for upgrades to the Vex Robotics computer modules.
Archaeological Dig Update
Continuation of the Archaeological Dig program.
Set Your Course Friends Club
Jack Dube Memorial Award Winner provided handbooks and supplies to help build a curriculum for the Oakmont Friend’s Club, Oakmont’s largest club. The Friends Club mission is to ensure social connections and the establishment of friendships among students at Oakmont to promote social and emotional well-being of all students at Oakmont.
Oakmonitor Online
Provided the technology for the students at Oakmont to publish the school’s newspaper in an online format.